Welcome to ADAPT (in development)

A solo performance by Mick Renner

ADAPT takes place in the future, in the year 2150, after global warming has caused human communities to migrate far away from their current locations. Communities in the Arctic Circle are protected by Russian, European, and American armies. Communities on mountaintops are protected by the terrible desert in the lower elevations. These remaining communities come into conflict in the play.

There are no performances scheduled at present. I expect to perform excerpts throughout 2018 and 2019 in the Bay Area. To be placed on our email list to be notified, please send an email to mick@mickrenner.com.

Although the play is set in the future, please note that efforts to mitigate human impact on the environment have already begun, as shown in the Atacama specimen. This specimen is possibly a residue from early experiments to reduce the size of human beings.

Stanford University Examines Biological Entity Found In Atacama Desert

ADAPT a solo performance by Mick RennerThe specimen under examination was found in the Atacama Desert, in Chile. Research has already determined that a large portion of its DNA is from a human female, presumably the mother. Discovered in 2003, the skeleton remained in a private collection until 2009, when it was brought to a symposium in Barcelona. In the fall of 2012, scientists were given an opportunity to review x-rays, CAT scans, and genetic sampling. Imaging showed that the chest cavity still had the remains of lungs and a heart inside. The Atacama Desert is one of the most arid regions on the planet, and would allow biological material to be preserved well.

The preliminary genetic results do indicate the skeleton is definitely of human origin, but about 9% of the DNA tested did not match the human genome reference. While 9% sounds like a huge discrepancy, it just refers to the sequence portions used for reference, not the entire genome. These results are well within the expected parameters for contamination and degradation of the DNA after spending so long exposed to the elements. The preliminary results of the mitochondrial DNA were consistent with a haplotype found in Chile, meaning Ata’s mother was local to the area where the remains were found.

One of the most amazing discoveries from the analysis was that Ata was not a fetus. There were mature teeth present in the mouth and the bones were well-developed, with the leg bones showing growth plates that one would expect to see in a 6-8 year old child. While the testing did provide answers, it also raised many more questions. How could a 6 year old child only be 6 inches long?